The King of Food Pairing:
The Singleton of Glen Ord 12 Year Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky

Known for its smooth and rich texture, The Singleton of Glen Ord 12 Year Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky is produced by long fermentation and slow distillation, plus blending of 12 Year Old bourbon and sherry whisky. Having a delicate and balanced body, it begins with a smooth and round sweetness. A beautiful balance of fruity notes and gingery maltiness, finishes with a hint of dark chocolate.

A standard of ‘Perfect Balance’, your best partner on dining tables.

Fried Food, Broth and Taiwanese Flavours

‘One of the characteristics of The Singleton’s flavour is ginger, just right to pair with the ginger, spring onion and garlic used by Asian cuisines. And that’s why The Singleton of Glen Ord 12 Year Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky is compatible with stir-fried dishes and Taiwanese cuisines.’ says Afra, the brand ambassador of Diageo.

Stir-fried dishes and fried food are common in Taiwanese cuisines. When they pair with ‘The Singleton of Glen Ord 12 Year Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky’, they both bring each other to the next level. According to Afra, the ‘Deep-fried Pork Ribs’ is a good match with this whisky. One bite of pork ribs then one sip of 12 Year Old - it’s not just refreshing, but at the same time bringing out the woody notes of whisky. The highly popular ‘Deep-fried Squid Lips’, ‘Sha Cha Beef Stir-fry ‘ and ‘Taiwanese Fried Chicken’ are all good matches with this whisky.

Afra also mentions that ‘The Singleton of Glen Ord 12 Year Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky’ can pair nicely with the classic ‘Steamed Assorted Meats in Chinese Casserole (Buddha Jumps Over the Wall)’. A full-bodied broth can highlight the aroma in whisky. Afra suggests to taste the soup first, and then add whisky instead of red vinegar for seasoning.


台菜之外,「The Singleton 12年單一麥芽威士忌」同樣也可以用來搭配日式料理。與日式燉煮、揚物、燒烤的相搭相當不錯,可想然之像是「雞肉串燒」、「一夜干」、「天婦羅」等等都很不錯;但如果要搭配細緻且不是醃漬的白身魚魚生,則可以考慮做成Highball或水割 (Mizuwari),就可以跟美食相輔相成。

而同樣是亞洲菜色,Afra說,韓式料理中普遍以酸、辣、鹹、鮮為風味特色,不論是「春川辣雞」或是「烤五花肉」等等。正好與The Singleton 12年單一麥芽威士忌酒液中的麥芽甜香、柑橘的酸不謀而合,形成完美平衡。

Splendid Pairings with Western Liver Dishes

When it comes to Western cuisines, Afra suggests livers, such as the pairing of ‘The Singleton of Glen Ord 12 Year Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky’ and ‘Duck Liver Pâté with Cherry and Whisky’. This dish uses whisky to cook, with cherries highlighting the flavours of dried fruits and sweetmeat from sherry casks. The silky texture of duck liver enriches the layers of whisky. Besides, when she throws a party at home, she will spread duck liver pâté on baguette slices. With one more sip of the 12 Year Old, it’s already a high-end finger food.

What do you want to pair ‘The Singleton of Glen Ord 12 Year Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky’ with tonight? Test this magical rule now!
